Registration - 32nd Sondershausen Masterclass 2025

Your data

Gender *

Course literature

Workshop - oboe reed construction

Experience in oboe reed construction *
Overnight stay *
Catering *

** surcharge 1,50 €/meal

The price is a package price. Individual meals not utilised cannot be refunded.

Photo permission *

I agree that photos that may be taken of me during that event may be published on the homepage and on the social media pages of the Thüringer Landesmusikakademie Sondershausen and the Landesmusikrat Thüringen. This declaration of consent can be revoked at any time.

Newsletter academy

Yes, I would like to be regularly informed about all activities of the Thüringer Landesmusikakademie Sondershausen and register for the newsletter! We will inform you regularly about upcoming concerts, events, further education programmes, available course places and news from the academy.


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Contact person

Martina Langenberger
Tel: 03632 66628-16